• Auckland Heritage Festival 2024

    Festival dates: Saturday 28 Sep 2024 to Sunday 13 Oct 2024 

    Auckland Heritage Festival invites you to submit an event for the 2024 festival.

    This submission form will take around 30 minutes to complete. You can click save and come back to your submission later so long as you use the same computer/device.

    After you submit this form we will send you an email to tell you that your submission is complete. If you don't get an email, we may not have received your submission. Contact us at aucklandheritagefestival@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz if you are not sure.

    The final date for submission is 5 pm on Sunday 19 May 2024


    Festival themes and criteria

    Festival themes

    This year’s theme is: Pacific Connections

    Te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa, ‘the great connector’ of Polynesia, links the Pacific to Tāmaki Makaurau. Explore the lands, people, and history of the Pacific at the 2024 Auckland Heritage Festival. 
    ‘Pacific Connections’ encourages us to explore and share stories, traditions and influences that have shaped Auckland’s identity while marking important anniversaries such as the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the dawn raids on Pacific peoples, and 50 years of Niue self-government. 


    This year’s theme is a call to action for our contributors who have been instrumental in preserving and promoting our local heritage, to delve into the historical links and relationships between Auckland and the Pacific Islands, Pacific Ocean and Pasifika culture.

    We invite you to consider how your organisation or group can contribute to the Auckland Heritage Festival under the Pacific Connections theme. Whether it’s organising events, exhibitions, workshops, performances or storytelling sessions, we welcome your creative ideas to make this festival a resounding success. 

    Your participation will help us foster a deeper understanding of our Pacific heritage and its impact on Auckland’s diverse communities.  

    In addition to the festival theme, events are also encouraged to align with these main areas:

    • Learning and encouragement: Events designed to up-skill and inform the local community and to encourage greater understanding of our heritage through workshops and lectures.
    • Celebrating our heritage: Events that celebrate Auckland’s distinct built, cultural and natural heritage.
    • Children and young people: Events suitable for families or aimed at young people. Please keep in mind when planning your event that both weeks of the festival are during the school holidays so we're keen to include events suitable for families with young children. Please consider this when you are organising your events.

    Festival criteria

    To have your event considered for the 2024 festival it must:

    • be an event (categories include events, entertainment, performance & film, demos or workshops, talks and seminars, tours and walks, online event & displays and exhibitions)
    • be free or offered at a minimal cost
    • incorporate the overarching theme of this year’s festival
    • incorporate an aspect of learning or awareness of Auckland’s heritage
    • be intended primarily for the Auckland Heritage Festival 2023
    • be held within the dates of the festival (28 September to 13 October) – if your event falls outside these dates we may not accept it.

    Your event must not:

    • promote the contributor’s business
    • generate financial benefit for the contributors
    • promote a political agenda.

    At the end of the festival you need to give us an accurate report of the number of people who attended your event.

    Due to the number of events, we can't guarantee that all your event information will go in the printed guide. We will direct people to the website for full information.

    Information required within the submission form

    Please make sure you have all of the information listed below before you fill out this form.

    Event details:

    • event name
    • event category (workshop/exhibition/entertainment)
    • whether your event is new or a repeat
    • detailed event description of 150 words or less
    • short event description of 20 words or fewer
    • event dates and times
    • if your event is part of your normal business activity how you will differentiate it for the festival
    • if your event has activities for children
    • if your event is wheelchair accessible
    • if your event has accessible content for visually impaired people
    • how much your event will cost to enter
    • website and Facebook address if you have them
    • high-resolution event image - file size of at least 2MB is recommended.

    Contact details:

    • contact name
    • contact phone number
    • contact email address
    • organisation name
    • whether you want your organisation included with your event listing on the festival website and programme.

    Event venue details:

    • venue name
    • venue address - suburb
    • local board area your venue is in (local board finder).

    Booking details:

    • whether any additional information about bookings is required
    • booking contact name, phone number and email address.

    Publicity and marketing details:

    • whether you want copies of the event guide, editable posters and flyers
    • number of programmes you need
    • whether you want an outdoor sign
    • contact name, address and phone number to courier publicity materials to
    • contact name, phone number and email address for media enquiries
    • two interesting facts about your event.


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