• World of Cultures 2024

    Festival dates: 21 March - 14 April 2024

    World of Cultures invites you to submit an event for the 2024 festival.

    This submission form will take around 10-15 minutes to complete. You can click save and come back to your submission later so long as you use the same computer/device.

    After you submit this form we will send you an email to tell you that your submission is complete. If you don't get an email, we may not have received your submission. Contact us at worldofcultures@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz if you are not sure.

    Submissions close at 9am on Monday 20 November 2023.


    What is World of Cultures?

    World of Cultures is a multicultural festival with events and activations across the region from 21 March to 14 April 2024

    World of Cultures enables Aucklanders to celebrate, share and experience the value and vibrancy of our multiculturalism

    World of Cultures aims to be the most culturally inclusive festival in Aotearoa

    Festival focus areas:

    • Ending racial discrimination
    • Intercultural connections
    • Multicultural understanding
    • Celebrating cultural identity

    We’re looking for:

    • Events that celebrate Auckland's cultural diversity that are interactive and educational.
    • Events that are intercultural, two or more cultures sharing traditions, language or performance for example cross cultural bake off where one culture cooks anothers traditional cuisine or where two cultures share their cultures traditional songs to sing.
    • Events that allow for deeper conversations or participation to take place - panel discussions, lessons or workshops for dance, languages, making of traditional crafts and cooking classes for traditional or fusion cuisines.
    •  Events that celebrate some of our smaller cultural communities often not represented in larger festivals such as those from areas in Africa, Scandinavia, East Asia, Caribbean & Micronesia and more.  
    • Local community groups activating at their local community or arts centre.
    • Events that take a stand against racism.


    Your event must not:

    • promote the contributor’s business
    • generate financial benefit for the contributors
    • promote a political agenda.

    At the end of the festival you need to give us an accurate report of the number of people who attended your event.

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