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20 June 2024

Welcome to the latest update on construction activity in the midtown area. 

Find out more about the regeneration of midtown and follow the progress at ProgressAKL.co.nz/midtown

You can read past updates here.

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In this update

What's happening in midtown

It's been great to see new sections of footpath completed and returned to pedestrians – including the western side of Albert Street between Wellesley and Victoria Streets.

These streetscape upgrades are an important part of getting midtown ready for the thousands of people expected to travel via Te Waihorotiu Station when it opens in 2026.

As part of our preparations, we continue to undertake utility upgrades and diversions throughout midtown to support the area's growth.

Click the links below to find out more about what’s happening in your neighbourhood in the next few weeks.

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Coming up in your area:

Matariki ki te Manawa brings people to the city centre

Matariki tuia ngā whetū, tuia ngā tāngata 

Matariki weaver of the stars, weaver of the people 

Matariki celebrations are well underway in the city centre. Between June and September, light installations, grand-scale public art and free performances will be on offer.

A highlight of our 2024 programme is ‘Whai’, a light-based artwork on the side of the Victoria Street carpark. A collaboration between Auckland Council’s public art team and artist Janine Williams, the artwork will bring light and interest to the area, fostering a sense of community and uplift during construction.   

Over the next few months, we’ll host activities, such as artist talks, to bring people to the area. Check out some other highlights below.

12 June to 7 August: See Elliott Street light up with Taurima - a series of light installations featuring crochet-like neon artworks floating above the street, uncovering its long culinary history.  

15 June to 28 June: Listen to He Wai Pop Up Music Series on Queen Street - talented local artists will thrill midtown audiences with live music and waiata. To find the performance schedule – click here.

15 June to 1 July: Make your way over to Smith & Caughey's window display Mātahi - bringing kōrero (conversation) of waka (canoe) and kete (baskets), reminding us of the water that flows beneath our feet as we traverse this historic street. 

The council group hosts these events to help the midtown area remain vibrant during construction, with the support of the city centre targeted rate. 

Image: 'Whai’ - a light-based artwork by artist Janine Williams (Ngāti Paoa, Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara), inspired by the traditional Māori string game.

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What to expect in your area

Te Hā Noa Victoria Street upgrade

Victoria Street West

Construction of the new tree pits between Elliott Street and Queen Street is well underway. Look through our fences and you will see them starting to take shape.  

Image: Victoria Street between Elliott and Queen Street, showing construction of the new tree pits, 19 June 2024.

Paving of the new footpath between Queen St and Elliott Street began this week. We have started at the ANZ corner and are working up towards Elliott Street.   

Near the end of June, we will begin work on the intersection of Elliott Street and Victoria Street West. This involves laying new ducting, installing the new kerb line and paving the area. It is expected to take about four weeks. 

If you have any questions about construction, you can reach our contractor JFC’s Stakeholder Liaison Manager Sally Logan at sally.logan@jfcltd.co.nz or 021 420 794. 

Victoria Street East

Construction of the speed table at the intersection of High Street and Victoria Street East is progressing well. We expect to complete concrete pouring of this section by the end of this week. After this, work will begin on the footpath near Coconut Factory, which is expected to be finished by the end of June. We will move to the opposite side of the High Street intersection by The Brand Warehouse in early July. 

Work is due to begin shortly on the Albert Park side of the Kitchener Street and Victoria Street intersection, with the installation of ducting and foundations for new traffic signals. This is expected to take about a month. Once completed, work will begin on the speed table at the intersection of Kitchener Street and Victoria Street. Roads will remain open during construction, but traffic management will be in place to control traffic flow.  

Testing of the new watermain diversion has been completed near Starbucks. To connect the new watermain, we will likely need to do one night of work in July. We will provide details closer to the time. 

If you have any questions about construction, you can reach our contractor JFC’s Stakeholder Liaison Manager Sally Logan at sally.logan@jfcltd.co.nz or 021 420 794. 

Loading zones on Victoria and Kitchener Streets

Wellesley Street West

Wellesley Street Bus Improvements

The City Rail Link's Link Alliance and Auckland Transport'sWellesley Street Bus Improvements projects are working closely to coordinate work in this area. 

Work is now underway in Zone 4 (yellow area in map below).  

Image: Map of the construction zones in Wellesley Street, you can see the full size map here.

Loading zones will continue to be on Elliott Street. 

Zone 1 Mayoral Drive to Bledisloe Lane: Hydro excavation activity around existing tree roots and for service investigation is complete for now. New ducting has been installed, and excavations have been backfilled. Link Alliance has installed glazing on the new station building. Vector (through Stockman and Northpower) is back this week, opening excavations and hauling cables before completing joints next week.

Zone 2 Albert Street to Elliott Street: Underground service, utility investigation and CCTV works will likely commence mid/late July. We will work with those affected to manage access, wayfinding and business promotion.

Zone 3 Elliott Street to Queen Street: A new site will be established along a section of footpath and road in early July. The work involves removal of the existing bluestone kerb, underground service and utility investigation and CCTV works. Timing may change depending on the outcome of the investigation works in front of The Civic. 

Zone 4 Bledisloe Lane to Queen Street: Underground utility investigations along Wellesley Street between Bledisloe Lane and the Civic Box Office were completed on schedule. Investigation works are now underway in The Civic's frontage and are expected to be completed by the end of this week. We will ensure access to buildings is maintained throughout the work, however, pedestrian diversions around the site will be in place. We are working closely with The Civic and neighbouring businesses to ensure minimal disruption to planned events. 

If you have any questions about construction on Wellesley Street West, please contact Downer’s Stakeholder Manager Brandy Smith at brandy.smith@downer.co.nz or 027 692 3783.

Te Waihorotiu Station - City Rail Link

The outer façade of the building is now complete, with the Wellesley Street entrance now fully revealed. Made up of thousands of coloured aluminium fins, the façade expresses the tears of Ranginui (Sky Father) as part of the station's expression of the Māori creation story. To celebrate the arrival of Matariki, City Rail Link will floodlight the station. 

​Image: Wellesley Street entrance of Te Waihorotiu Station, lit up in celebration of Matariki.

Image: Wellesley Street entrance of Te Waihorotiu Station, lit up in celebration of Matariki. 

Down the road at Victoria Street, the station entrances continue to be fitted out, with ongoing works below ground. This month, City Rail Link launched a 360-degree virtual tour of the station. Click here to take a virtual walk through the station’s architecture, concourse, and platform level. 

For more information about CRL progress and upcoming works see the Te Waihorotiu Station latest newsletter or view the June staging map here

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz 

Wellesley Street East

No works are planned for Wellesley Street East at this time. 

If you have any questions, contact us at midtown@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Albert Street (Wyndham to Mayoral)

Streetscape works continue on Albert Street between Wyndham Street and Mayoral Drive. Check out our June staging map here.

Paving is complete in front of the AA Building. The new footpath is open to the public. Works outside the SkyCity and Auckland Council buildings are progressing well and are set to be mostly complete by Matariki. Please follow the pedestrian diversions in place.

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz 

Wyndham Street

We are continuing new kerb and footpath construction on the south-east corner of the Wyndham/Albert intersection.

A temporary one-way diversion on Wyndham Street is in place, to enable these works to be completed safely. Access to all properties is maintained, and Wilson Parking carparks in the area remain open.

Next month (July) we expect to shift kerb and footpath construction to the south-west corner of the intersection - please follow detours in place during these reinstatement works.

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz 

Kingston Street

Link Alliance continue their utility upgrades and footpath works on the southern side of Kingston Street. The main public footpath has moved to the northern side of the street, where paving has been completed.

Access to Kingston Street properties and local businesses is maintained using localised diversions. Reinstatement works on Kingston Street - including at the corner of Federal Street - are expected to be mostly complete by August.

To facilitate these works, there will be some changes to on-street parking on Federal Street. Signage will be in place during this time. 

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz 

Queen Street (near Mayoral Drive)

In preparation for Watercare’s Midtown Wastewater Diversion Project, Watercare have started drilling a borehole at 321-323 Queen Street outside The Classic/Music Planet/Sunday School Building on 19 June.

This work will help us understand the groundwater level of this area, which could help reduce construction risks and mitigate disruption in later stages of the project.

These investigations are expected to take one week. Access to the footpath and the road will be maintained, and works are planned for daytime hours only. 
The loading bay directly outside Music Planet will not be available between 9am and 4pm. There will be an alternative loading bay within the bus stop outside Q Theatre, 313 Queen Street. This will have clear signage and a traffic controller to help with the temporary layout.

If you have any questions, please contact Watercare at midtown@water.co.nz.  

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