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30 May 2024

Welcome to the latest update on construction activity in the midtown area. 

Find out more about the regeneration of midtown and follow the progress at ProgressAKL.co.nz/midtown

You can read past updates here.

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In this update

  • What's happening in midtown
  • Victoria Street Cycleway extension 
  • Midtown Wastewater Diversion coming soon
  • Wellesley Street West remains open to general traffic
  • More events coming to midtown
  • What to expect in your area

What's happening in midtown

This month we are gearing up for Watercare's Wastewater Diversion Project to begin in July, with the first of the investigation works happening in June.
Our work to get midtown ready for the new Waihorotiu Station opening in 2026 continues:
  • The outer façade of our new midtown station is now complete
  • On Albert Street, the new pavement outside AA building is complete and open to the public, and the streetscape upgrades continue along Wyndham Street and Kingston Street
  • Investigation works are underway on Wellesley Street to prepare for the coming streetscape upgrades and bus improvements led by Auckland Transport 
  • Work continues on the next sections of Te Hā Noa on Victoria Street

Click the links below to find out more about what’s happening in your neighbourhood in the next few weeks:

Questions? Contact us

Coming up in your area:

Victoria Street Cycleway to be extended

We're excited to announce that Victoria Street Cycleway is being extended. Currently, the cycleway runs from the bottom of College Hill to Nelson Street. From July this year, we will begin work to extend the cycleway to Federal Street. Construction is expected to be completed by October, in readiness for the opening of the first stage of Te Hā Noa towards the end of 2024.

At Federal Street, it will connect with a two-way cycleway being constructed between Federal Street and Albert Park, part of the streetscape upgrades associated with Te Hā Noa and the City Rail Link’s Te Waihorotiu Station.

The extension of Victoria Street Cycleway is an interim solution, until the next phases of Te Hā Noa (extending all the way from Victoria Park to Albert Park) are complete in the future.

The extension of Victoria Street Cycleway closes a gap between the existing and new sections of cycleway. It will be constructed from materials that are less disruptive to install and can easily be replaced when the time comes for a full street makeover.

Image: Artist’s impression looking west on Victoria Street West, from the intersection with Federal Street

Find out more and give feedback by 16 June

Midtown Wastewater Diversion - starting late July

Watercare’s Midtown Wastewater Diversion project is set to begin in late July. When complete it will enable more residential and commercial growth, reduce the risk of overflows into the Waitematā Harbour, safeguard the area’s resilience, and give Aucklanders confidence that our infrastructure in the city centre is fit for purpose into the future. 

To achieve this, Watercare will install 1.2km of new wastewater pipeline beneath Queen Street, Mayoral Drive, Vincent Street, Marmion Street and White Street. The project also involves reconfiguring the current wastewater network to better use under-utilised pipes.

The project will be delivered in three stages between July 2024 to December 2026. You can view our staging map here.

Watercare has opted to build the pipeline project in stages to minimise the impact on residents, businesses and traffic flow, allowing better coordination with other projects in midtown including the City Rail Link.

To prepare for this project, Watercare will be undertaking some investigation works in two sites along Queen Street: outside the Farmers building at the intersection of Victoria Street and Queen Street, and at 321-323 Queen Street outside The Classic/Music Planet/Sunday School Building

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Wellesley Street West to remain open to vehicles during construction

In our last update we shared that the planned closure of Wellesley Street West to general traffic had been delayed until 4 June. The intention was to make the section between Elliott Street and Queen Street bus-only, with local traffic allowed only outside peak times. We can now confirm that this section will remain open to general traffic while construction work in the area progresses.

Since reducing Wellesley Street West to one lane to prepare for construction, Auckland Transport have closely monitored bus performance and general traffic around midtown, and listened to feedback from neighbouring businesses and residents. While we have observed increased demand on Wellesley Street and delays getting through intersections, we have also seen that the impact on bus timetables while sharing the single lane with general traffic has been less than expected.

This means that we can keep the section of Wellesley Street between Elliott Street and Queen Street open to general traffic, until nearby roadworks are complete and drivers have other options to move around midtown. We are also monitoring and adjusting traffic light phasing to try to reduce congestion where possible.

The dynamic nature of mutliple construction projects in midtown means that temporary traffic management changes frequently. Along with our contractors and partners, we continue to monitor it carefully and make adjustmets as neded. Thank you for sharing feedback which helps us to manage the network effectively.

Image: Artist’s impression of Wellesley Street Bus Improvements upgrade on Wellesley Street, looking east towards Queen Street.

Learn more about the project

Bringing people to midtown

We've supported over 15 events, involving 25 businesses, across midtown over the last two months, and there's more to come. This month, the Matariki celebrations begin in the city centre, with incredible light installations, grand-scale public art and free performances on offer between June and September. Find out more here.

These events are made possible by Auckland Council and the city centre targeted rate and are an important way to encourage people to keep coming to midtown and enjoying what it has to offer while construction is ongoing.

We are always on the lookout for more businesses who are interested in getting involved in future events. If you are a ground or first floor business and would like to participate in a future event, please contact us at midtown@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz .

Image: A picture taken by Nik Brinkman of the Record Fair at Real Groovy, which was part of the Mids Market, an event Auckland Council supported in midtown.

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What to expect in your area

Te Hā Noa Victoria Street upgrade

Victoria Street West

We are constructing two of the four new tree pits between Elliott Street and Queen Street. These will be a defining feature of the completed Te Hā Noa streetscape.

Concrete has been laid for the new footpath between Elliott Street and Queen Street. Paving of this area will be done in sections with the first starting in early June. We will begin on the corner outside ANZ and progress up towards Elliott Street. 

Next week we will begin laying ducting in Elliott Street outside Tank. This is expected to take about two weeks to complete. 

In a few weeks we will begin preparation work for the new footpath on the corner of Victoria Street West and Eliott Street, and the permanent reinstatement of the footpath outside Toastie and Yaoa & Tako.

If you have any questions about construction on Victoria Street, you can reach our contractor JFC’s Stakeholder Liaison Manager Sally Logan at sally.logan@jfcltd.co.nz or 021 420 794.

Image: Render to show what the tree pits will look like when complete. 

Victoria Street East

Construction of the new speed table on the corner of High Street and Victoria Street East began this week. We expect to be working on the Coconut Factory side of the intersection for the next four weeks before switching to the other side near The Brand Warehouse.

This week we have been installing ducting in the middle of the road at the intersection of Kitchener Street and Bowen Avenue. We expect to complete this next week.

At the end of next week work will begin on the Albert Park side of the Kitchener Street and Victoria Street intersection. Ducting and foundations for new traffic signals will be installed.

Connecting and testing of the new Watercare diversion works will take place over the next month in small sites outside Starbucks and Farmers. The work will take place in the footpath but pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

If you have any questions about construction on Victoria Street, you can reach our contractor JFC’s Stakeholder Liaison Manager Sally Logan at sally.logan@jfcltd.co.nz or 021 420 794.

Loading zones on Victoria and Kitchener Streets

Watercare's Midtown Wastewater Diversion Project

In late-June, in preparation for Watercare’s Midtown Wastewater Diversion Project, Watercare will be drilling one borehole at the intersection of Queen Street and Victoria St East, outside The Farmers Building. This will help us monitor the groundwater level of this area, which helps manage construction risks.

These investigations are expected to take one week.  Access to the footpath and the road will be maintained, and works are planned for daytime hours only. There will be some noisy works at the beginning of the week, and we will attach sound reduction barriers to the fences to help minimise the disruption to businesses and the public.

Works are subject to weather conditions and relevant approvals. If the start date or duration of the works change, this will be communicated to nearby stakeholders.  

If you have any questions please contact Watercare at midtown@water.co.nz

Elliott Street

Next week, JFC will begin laying ducting in Elliott Street outside Tank, as part of the Te Hā Noa Victoria Street upgrade. This is expected to take two weeks to complete.

If you have any questions about construction on Victoria Street, you can reach our contractor JFC’s Stakeholder Liaison Manager Sally Logan at sally.logan@jfcltd.co.nz or 021 420 794.

Wellesley Street West

Wellesley Street Bus Improvements

The City Rail Link's Link Alliance and Auckland Transport's Wellesley Street Bus Improvements projects are working closely to coordinate work in this area.

To prepare for streetscape construction, we have relocated bus stops - read more here

In the coming weeks underground service investigations will be commencing in zones 2, 3 and 4. This activity will involve 'potholing' using Hydrovac machines to support excavation to confirm the locations of underground utilities. Hydrovacs use a combination of high-pressure water and a powerful vacuum to safely excavate around buried utilities, pipes, and other sensitive infrastructure without causing damage.

We will be targeting areas in smaller sites to reduce disruption, and will do our best to minimise noise. Access to all properties and businesses will be maintained at all times but pedestrian diversions around site areas will at times be required.

Wayfinding and business promotion posters will be in place, and we will work closely will all business owners and property managers throughout the duration of this project.

Image: Map of the construction zones in Wellesley Street, you can see the full size map here.

Zone 1 Mayoral Drive to Bledisloe Lane: Hydro excavation activity around existing tree roots and for service investigation is complete for now. New ducting has been installed and Stockman are now backfilling the excavations and will return at a later date for cable hauling and joint connection works. Link Alliance is also carrying out works in this area.

Zone 2 Albert Street to Elliott Street: The bus stop servicing 75,82, 802, 923, 924 & NX2 (temporarily outside Tony’s Steakhouse) has now returned back to Wellesley Street outside the Auckland Council Building as Vector works are now complete. 

From Monday 10 June (TBC): We will commence our underground service and utility investigations, and CCTV works in this zone. 

Zone 3 Elliott Street to Queen Street & Zone 4 Bledisloe Lane to Queen Street: In June we will establish sites in zone 3 & 4, to start removing the exisiting bluestone kerb. This work is likely to start from Monday 10 June in zone 4, and will be largely foccussed around The Civic during June as this is a quiet month for events. There will also be smaller localised working sites in zone 4 to identify services. These investigation works are likely to start in late-june for zone 3. 

Works will at times require the use of a hydrovac machine and excavations up to building facades, but businesses will remain open and accessible throughout the works. There will be some signed pedestrian diversions required around the site areas so please follow wayfinding on temporary fences to reach your destinations. Those impacted by these works will be contacted directly by our contractor.

If you have any questions about construction on Wellesley Street West, please contact Downer’s Stakeholder Manager Brandy Smith at brandy.smith@downer.co.nz or 027 692 3783.

Te Waihorotiu Station - City Rail Link

Fit-out of the Wellesley Street entrance is ongoing, along with utilities and station connection works. The outer façade of the building is now complete, and the temporary scaffolding has started to be removed. The Victoria Street entrances are also continuing to be fitted out, with ongoing works below ground.

Another milestone has been reached this month with the team rapidly installing glass balustrades that run throughout the station. These glass balustrades run along the length of the concourse level and act as a barrier. 

For more information about CRL progress and upcoming works see the Te Waihorotiu Station latest newsletter at:  https://www.cityraillink.co.nz/aotea-newsletter, or view the June staging map here.

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz .

Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz .

Wellesley Street East

There are no works planned for Wellesley Street East at this time. Watercare plan to begin their wastewater upgrades in mid-2024.

Albert Street (Wyndham to Mayoral)

Streetscape works continue on Albert Street between Wyndham Street and Mayoral Drive. See our June staging map of working happening here..

Paving has been completed in front of the AA Building, with the new footpath now open to the public. Works outside the SkyCity and Auckland Council buildings are progressing well – please follow the pedestrian diversions in place.

Preparations for tree planting are underway on Albert Street. 

Find out more about the work on Albert Street here. If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz .

Wyndham Street

We are continuing new kerb and footpath construction on the south-east corner of the Wyndham/Albert intersection.

A temporary one-way diversion on Wyndham Street is in place, to enable these works to be completed safely. Access to all properties is maintained, and Wilson Parking carparks in the area remain open.

Next month (June) we expect to shift kerb and footpath construction to the south-west corner of the intersection - please follow detours in place during these reinstatement works.

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz .

Kingston Street

Link Alliance continue their utility upgrades and footpath works on the southern side of Kingston Street. The main public footpath has moved to the northern side of the street, where paving has been completed. Access to Kingston Street properties and local businesses is maintained using localised diversions. Reinstatement works on Kingston Street are expected to be mostly complete by August.

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz .

Queen Street (near Mayoral Drive)

In preparation for Watercare’s Midtown Wastewater Diversion Project, Watercare will be drilling a borehole at 321-323 Queen Street outside The Classic/Music Planet/Sunday School Building in late June. This will help us monitor the groundwater level of this area, which helps manage construction risks.

These investigations are expected to take one week.  Access to the footpath and the road will be maintained, and works are planned for daytime hours only. There will be some noisy works at the beginning of the week, and we will attach sound reduction barriers to the fences to help minimise the disruption to businesses and the public.

Works are subject to weather conditions and relevant approvals. If the start date or duration of the works change, this will be communicated to nearby stakeholders.  

If you have any questions please contact Watercare at midtown@water.co.nz.  

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