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5 July 2024

Welcome to the latest update on construction activity in the midtown area. 

Find out more about the regeneration of midtown and follow the progress at ProgressAKL.co.nz/midtown

You can read past updates here.

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In this update

What's happening in midtown

This month, we are gearing up for Watercare's Midtown Wastewater Diversion project to begin in August. This work will be delivered in three stages between August 2024 to December 2026, and the Auckland Council group, including Auckland Transport and Watercare, are working closely to coordinate work and reduce overall disruption to in area.

Join us Tuesday 9 July, 3pm-7pm at Q Theatre to learn more about the construction arrangement and what we're doing to support neighbouring homes and businesses during construction. Find out more information here.

Click the links below to find out more about what’s happening in your neighbourhood in the next few weeks.

Questions? Contact us

Coming up in your area:

Watercare prepares for Wastewater Diversion works on Queen Street. Learn more at Q Theatre next Tuesday.

Watercare’s Midtown Wastewater Diversion project is set to start preliminary works in August 2024.

What can you expect? 

Watercare will install 1.2km of new wastewater pipeline and construct three deep shafts - one is on Queen Street near Mayoral Drive, and the other two are on Wellesley Street East and Victoria Street East near where they intersect with Queen Street.

Works will include tunnel boring and the creation of work compounds to house equipment and machinery. Drilling, truck movements and pumps (if required) will create some noise. Mitigations will be in place to reduce disruption.

This work is scheduled to begin in August, with final staging expected to be complete in September 2026. You can view our staging map here.

Refer to the map below for details on the specific work areas, and find out more at ProgressAKL.co.nz

Before the construction begins, we're encouraging neighbours to attend a drop-in session to learn more about the project. It's a great opportunity to ask questions and get details from the project team.

Join us on Tuesday 9 July 2024 from 3pm to 7pm at Q Theatre, 305 Queen Street.

Who should attend? 

Businesses and residents of:

  • Queen Street near the insersections of Mayoral Drive, Victoria Street East and Wellesley Street East 
  • Mayoral Drive 
  • Wellesley Street East 
  • Victoria Street East 
  • Lower Greys Avenue

Why should you attend? 

  • Meet the Fulton Hogan construction crew and the Watercare and Auckland Council teams
  • Learn more about the Midtown Wastewater Diversion project and how it may impact you 
  • Get information on how we plan to support you during construction
  • Find out how to stay updated and who you can contact with questions or concerns 

We will bring some light snacks for everyone to enjoy. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 9 July 2024. 

Map showing the midtown wastewater diversion works.

Find out more

The Harvey Tree is replanted above Te Waihorotiu Station

Te Waihorotiu Station’s first tree planting took place last month.

The Harvey Tree, an oriental plane tree, originally from France, was planted in the 1960s by businessman Les Harvey and once grew outside 93 Albert Street.

It had to be removed in 2019 as its roots were severely intertwined with the utilities beneath the footpath and were also conflicting with the underground train station to be built.

Cuttings from the tree were taken and grown in a nursery over the past five years - with the best cutting now replanted near the original location.  

Image: Harvey Tree being planted in July 2024 at Te Waihorotiu Station

Gearing up for Victoria Street Cycleway extension

Construction to extend the Victoria Street Cycleway to Federal Street is now expected to begin in September.

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback during the recent consultation. We are carefully considering all input and will keep you posted on any resulting changes.

The extended cycleway is expected to be complete by late 2024, in readiness for the opening of the first stage of Te Hā Noa cycleway. 

Find out more by visiting Auckland Transport's website and ProgressAKL.co.nz

Image: Artist’s impression looking west on Victoria Street West, from the intersection with Federal Street

Nighttime repair work near The Civic

During the week of 22 July, we will be undertaking some essential road maintenance work on Queen Street between The Civic and Aotea Square.        

The work will happen at night, with the noisiest work happening before 10:30pm, in order to reduce disruption to neighbouring residents.

John Fillmore Contracting (JFC) are doing this work and will be in touch with impacted neighbours with more detail. 

If you have any questions about construction, you can reach our contractor JFC’s Stakeholder Liaison Manager Sally Logan at sally.logan@jfcltd.co.nz or 021 420 794.

What to expect in your area

Te Hā Noa Victoria Street upgrade

Victoria Street West

Construction of the tree pits is progressing well, and work above ground is taking shape. Here is a look at the tree pit west of Elliott Street.

Image: Victoria Street between Elliott and Queen Street, showing construction of the new tree pits.

Paving continues on the ANZ corner and will progress up Victoria Street West towards Elliott Street.

Work will start next week on the intersection of Elliott Street and Victoria Street West. This involves laying new ducting, installing the new kerb line and paving the area.

There will be changes to pedestrian routes while we carry out this work. Please follow directions from signage and traffic controllers.

If you have any questions about construction, you can reach our contractor JFC’s Stakeholder Liaison Manager Sally Logan at sally.logan@jfcltd.co.nz or 021 420 794. 

Victoria Street East

Work continues on the new footpath on the corner of Victoria Street and High Street, near Coconut Factory. We have also started on the Brand Warehouse side of High Street. We are laying ducting in the footpath and building the Northwestern corner of the speed table (there will be 4 quadrants). 

Work has begun on the Albert Park side of the Kitchener Street and Victoria Street intersection. Ducting and foundations for new traffic signals are being installed. This is expected to take about a month. Once this has been completed, work will begin on the speed table at the intersection of Kitchener Street and Victoria Street. The roads will remain open during construction but there will be traffic management in place to control traffic flow.

In late July, we are planning to do some investigation works on the southern side of Victoria Street East. The main works are expected to start between Lorne and Kitchener Streets in August.

In preparation for Watercare’s Midtown Wastewater Diversion project, Watercare is hosting a drop-in session next Tuesday 9 July at Q Theatre for businesses and residents to learn more about the project and plans. Find out more about the drop-in here.

If you have any questions about construction, you can reach our contractor JFC’s Stakeholder Liaison Manager Sally Logan at sally.logan@jfcltd.co.nz or 021 420 794. 

Loading zones on Victoria and Kitchener Streets

Image: Map of loading zones on Victoria and Kitchener Streets 

Wellesley Street West

Wellesley Street Bus Improvements

The City Rail Link's Link Alliance and Auckland Transport'sWellesley Street Bus Improvements projects are working closely to coordinate work in this area. 

Work is now underway in the southern side of Wellesley Street - Zone 1 and 4 (blue and yellow area in map below).  

Image: Map of the construction zones in Wellesley Street, you can see the full size map here.

Loading zones will continue to be on Elliott Street. 

Zone 1 Mayoral Drive to Bledisloe Lane: Vector works (by Stockman and Northpower) will be finished by the end of this week, allowing us to shift the traffic lanes further to the south and create working room in Zone 2. A small site office area for the Wellesley Street team will be established outside Bledisloe House.

Zone 2 Albert Street to Elliott Street: Underground service, utility investigation and CCTV works will likely commence mid/late July. Timeframes depend on the outcome of investigation works in Zone 3 commencing 8th July.

Zone 3 Elliott Street to Queen Street: Potholing for underground service and utility investigation works will commence along the footpath of Zone 3 from 8th July. These works will involve concrete breakout and the use of a hydrovac machine. Mitigations for noise and dust will be in place to help minimise disruptions. Access into all businesses will be maintained.

Zone 4 Bledisloe Lane to Queen Street: Underground utility investigations and installations along Wellesley Street between Bledisloe Lane and Queen Street are complete. Access is now open to the Civic Box Office. The team's focus is backfilling, temporary reinstatement and clean-up of this area before removing the fencing and shifting across Wellesley Street to begin works in Zone 3. Works will resume in Zone 4 later in the year.

Image: Reinstatement works in front of the Civic

Image: Snapshot of underground services in front of The Civic and Box Office 

If you have any questions about construction on Wellesley Street West, please contact Downer’s Stakeholder Manager Brandy Smith at brandy.smith@downer.co.nz or 027 692 3783.

Te Waihorotiu Station - City Rail Link

Last week, City Rail Link's mana whenua partners provided karakia to mark the recent completion of the "sky element" feature on the Wellesley Street entrance building.

Made up of thousands of coloured aluminium fins, this upper façade is an expression of the tears of Ranginui (Sky Father). 

​Image: Wellesley Street entrance of Te Waihorotiu Station, lit up in celebration of Matariki.

Image: Wellesley Street entrance of Te Waihorotiu Station, lit up in celebration of Matariki. 

Above ground, more streetscape reinstatements were completed and re-opened to the public. 

Te Waihorotiu Station’s first tree planting took place this month. Read more about The Harvey Tree here.

Below ground, you can check out City Rail Link's 360-degree virtual tour of the station. Click here to take a virtual walk through the station’s architecture, concourse and platform level. 

For more information about CRL progress and upcoming works see the Te Waihorotiu Station latest newsletter or view the July staging map here

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz 

Wellesley Street East

In preparation for Watercare’s Midtown Wastewater Diversion project, Watercare is hosting a drop-in session next Tuesday 9 July at Q Theatre for businesses and residents to learn more about the project and plans. Find out more about the drop-in here.

If you have any questions, contact us at midtown@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Albert Street (Wyndham to Mayoral)

Streetscape works continue on Albert Street between Wyndham Street and Mayoral Drive.

Paving is complete in front of the AA Building. The new footpath is open to the public. Works outside the SkyCity and Auckland Council buildings are progressing well and are set to be mostly complete in August.

Please follow the pedestrian diversions in place.

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz 

Wyndham Street

We are continuing new kerb and footpath construction at the Wyndham/Albert intersection.

A temporary one-way diversion on Wyndham Street is in place.

This week, we shift kerb and footpath construction to the south-west corner of the intersection - please follow detours in place during these reinstatement works.

Access to all properties is maintained, and Wilson Parking carparks in the area remain open.

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz 

Kingston Street

This month, we begin permanent roading reinstatement works on Kingston Street. The main public footpath has moved to the northern side of the street, where paving has been completed.

Access to Kingston Street properties and local businesses is maintained using localised diversions.

Works on Kingston Street - including at the corner of Federal Street - are expected to be mostly complete by August.

To facilitate these works, there will be some changes to on-street parking on Federal Street. Signage will be in place during this time. 

If you have any questions, contact the Link Alliance team at 0800 CRL TALK or aotea@linkalliance.co.nz 

Queen Street (near Mayoral Drive)

In preparation for Watercare’s Midtown Wastewater Diversion project, Watercare is hosting a drop-in session next Tuesday 9 July at Q Theatre for businesses and residents to learn more about the project and plans. Find out more about the drop-in here.

If you have any questions, please contact Watercare at midtown@water.co.nz

Questions? Contact us
Auckland's Future in Progress