Updating the references to standards in the electricity and gas safety regulations

Submissions closed: 01 June 2021, 5pm

We are proposing to amend the Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 and the Gas (Safety and Measurement) Regulations 2010 so they reference up-to-date standards and reflect the latest international certification and conformance regimes.

What we are doing

We want to hear your views on the proposed changes, and the impacts these may have on you or your business.

We are proposing updates and changes to over three hundred of the standards currently cited in the regulations. This includes updates to currently cited standards, the removal of withdrawn standards, and the introduction of new standards, particularly in the area of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

We are also proposing a series of changes to reflect new international standard setting bodies established since the regulations were last updated.

The rationale for these changes, and discussion of some of the less straightforward changes, is detailed in the discussion document.

All of the proposed changes to standards in the regulations are laid out in the following tables:

How to review the relevant standards

To aid you in your response, we are making the relevant standards available for your review during the consultation period.

  1. The relevant AS/NZS standards will be available through an SAI Global portal.
    SAI Global(external link)

    To access these standards, please email us at EnergyStandards@mbie.govt.nz, providing your name, email address, and whether you need to access the electricity standards, gas standards, or both.

    We will provide this information to SAI Global, who will contact you with details about how to access the standards for the duration of the consultation. This may take 24 hours to process.

  2. The relevant NZSIEC and ISO standards will be available via Standards New Zealand. Please provide your name and an email address not already associated with an SNZ account to us at EnergyStandards@mbie.govt.nz and we will provide you with the login information you require.

  3. To learn more about the relevant AS, BS EN, ANSI, CSA and UL standards, you can contact WorkSafe New Zealand at energysafety1@worksafe.govt.nz

Consultation documents